Inici / Submitted by seafarers / Detroit Diesel engines

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These pictures come from the collection of avid Detroit Diesel engine enthusiast, James Jensen, in Vancouver, BC. " I'm a mechanic by trade, and my Dad works for Cullen Diesel; so did I as a shop cleanup kid, so that's how I got into these engines. I'm always looking for info on these engines, so any avenue where I can meet someone related to these engines is great." If you wish to help him out, you can contact him at "jjbus2000 (at)" He also sent us these pictures of his hobby engine (s), and writes... " I have a 1-71 genset, a 4-51 valve-less engine and two 6-71 Gray Marine engines. I did not do the work on the 1-71, but I am currently working on one of the 6-71s, and hope to have it looking, and sounding, as good as the single cylinder. " (Pictured below)